Do not celebrate your victories too much

Celebration is overated !

It is said that in order not to live too badly with failure, one should not celebrate victories too much so as not to go down too much during difficult moments.

In the same way, in order not to live too badly with criticism: you should not give too much importance to compliments, if you don't want to give too much importance to reproaches.

What do you think about it? 

For my part, despite the "They say...", we remain emotional beings and I have learned over time to accept the ups and downs. 

The trick is not to stay there, to go to extremes or to make habits, norms that are hard to get out of when change comes.

I'm a little tired of this thing of denying, avoiding or stifling emotions...

Let's celebrate from time to time, let's enjoy these moments! 

Let's get depressed once in a while, let's use these moments for introspection...

Let's be angry, let's be joyful, let's be sad, let's be worried, let's be confident, let's be jaded, let's be surprised... 

Let's live ! 

What counts is our response!

Life is far from being linear, the proof: our heartbeat symbolized by the electrocardiograph represents well these variations, this rhythm... 

Let us live in rhythm, let us listen to ourselves...