Efforts vs Results

Why we value result over effort... And why It should be the opposite !

Everybody will congratulate you when you get :

  • Your picture on stage

  • Raised funds

  • 6 then 7, 8… figures…

  • Bought your new car 

  • Signed your new contract

  • Received your diploma

  • Won your medal

  • Achieved that performance...

Nobody is going to congratulate you when :

  • You get up early in the morning to go to work 

  • You've made THE decision that scares you

  • You take that extra step when you're at your limit

  • You've tried 1,000 times and failed 999 times

  • You took the 100th rejection 

  • You persevered after yet another failure 

  • You stayed up late working instead of going out for a drink and a party.


Success is built in the shadows, when no one is looking!

Focus on your efforts and your evolution... The results will be a consequence! 

Base your self-esteem and confidence on what you control: your character and your ability to learn + progress!